Text by WILLIAM A. BELL, December 2009.
Production, titles, and photos by
William H. Gathercole and NORAHG.
Those wishing to receive copies of the entire
article directly from the author Bill Bell can acquire
same by e–mail to realscience@nucleus.com
William A. (Bill) Bell is a professional geologist with extensive experience in the Western Canada Basin. He is a long time LEADER in the field of Petroleum Geology. Bell is President of Bellport Resources Ltd., Bellport Oil and Gas Inc., and Portobello Investments Ltd. He is also on the Board of Directors for Great Plains Exploration Inc. Bell has also served as management and director for numerous oil and gas companies, both public and private.
The greedy and avaricious
environmental terror organizations
continue to attract more members,
more donations and more
millions and millions of dollars
by scamming the public with
the concoction of fraudulent lies
and non–existent issues such as
the supposed threat of global warming
and the so–called risk of pest control
products, leading to needless,
senseless, and malicious social
policies, such as the prohibition of
federally legal, scientifically
safe, totally irreplaceable,
and absolutely indispensable
conventional pest control products !
Global Warming Is Nonsense
The idea that humans are causing global warming is little more than nonsense. The goal of the perpetrators is a transfer of wealth with the apparent forfeiture of power to a proposed environmental world government formed by the UNITED NATIONS. A possible vote on this socio–political concept could be held in Copenhagen, Denmark, in December [ 2009 ].
This would be the abandonment of everything hard working, decent individuals have accomplished over hundreds of years, and satisfies only the cravings of a power hungry, unscrupulous intelligentsia that somehow believe they should rule the world.
The cost will be HORRENDOUS.
Unbelievably, the British, led to believe that their nation would soon disappear beneath the sea, passed a Climate Change bill which that same government concedes will cost 18 billion pounds a year. Tax on a new car in England is already over 5,000 pounds.
Cost of Global Warming to Canadian Tax–Payer
A recent study commissioned by the Toronto Dominion Bank to the SUZUKI FOUNDATION and the Pembina Institute projected a cost to Canadians at between 46–72 BILLION DOLLARS OVER THE NEXT 10 YEARS.
The Harvard Business School recently concluded that consumers’ energy costs using cap and trade ( one of the current proposals for reducing CO2 ) will increase the energy costs of a family of four by $6,800 US per year by 2025.
Why should Canadians grovel in fear and be browbeaten into actions that have no rational explanation or purpose ?
Someone said « we must never burn our bridges » but clearly this is a time for everyone to voice their opinion no matter whom they antagonize, for as MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. said ―
« Our lives begin to die the day we become silent about things that matter ».
Global Warming Predictions are Hitlerean Nightmares
ADOLF HITLER took power in 1933 to the detriment of the entire world because no one cared, and if common sense is not discovered soon, we are headed for a similar nightmare, albeit without guns and other weapons of war.
History of the Global Warming Horror Story
Briefly, here is a little history of this HORROR STORY.
Temperature showed a SMALL INCREASE BETWEEN 1975 AND 1998, but we know it had gone both up and down much more precipitously many times in the past.
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ( IPCC )
[ In the early 1970s ] Secretary General U THANT [ of the UNITED NATIONS ] tapped MAURICE STRONG ( yes, the same MAURICE STRONG who engineered the National Energy Program that had a very detrimental effect on Western Canada ) to organize the Stockholm Conference on Human Environment or the First Energy Summit [ in 1972 ].
STRONG gathered a few climatologists, environmentalists, and political activists to form the IPCC ( INTERGOVERNMENTAL PANEL ON CLIMATE CHANGE ) which in retrospect appears to have been little more than a plausible excuse for world domination by the UNITED NATIONS.
Dr. NEIL HUTTON [ Past President of Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists ] states ―
« The IPCC never made a multidisciplinary effort to determine the oscillatory nature of climate change, its history, and its principal drivers. »
The Musings of a Twisted International Enviro–Maniac
A few brief comments on STRONG, the man who started this debacle, and I quote, « The Great Depression left me very radical ».
In STRONG’s musings ―
« North America will be Hell on Earth ― New Orleans will be ravaged by tropical diseases to such an extent that it becomes little more than a shrinking fortress held only with poisonous amounts of lethal pesticides. »
In Los Angeles [ according to STRONG ] ―
« Water vendors with armed guards roam the streets » and « Florida will have fallen into the sea. »
STRONG further states ―
« Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized nations collapse ? Isn’t our responsibility to bring that about ? »
The Exaggeration of the Global Warming Scare
Initially encouraged by huge numbers of research dollars, some well–meaning and highly–respected scientists were attracted to the IPCC, such as Dr. JAMES HANSEN, the NASA scientist who inaugurated the Global Warming scare in 1988, and believed initially catastrophic warming would be caused by CO2.
By 2000, he [ HANSEN ] admitted he had significantly exaggerated any risk from increasing CO2 levels.
NOT A SINGLE CATASTROPHE PREDICTED BY THIS GROUP [ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC ] HAS EVER OCCURRED, but that has not deterred them from using fear mongering to build their case for global warming.
The Discredited Hockey Stick Tree Ring Data
There was the MICHAEL MANN HOCKEY STICK, a computer–massaged compilation of tree ring data, supposedly showing that air temperature had been stable for 900 years, then rose dramatically in the 20th Century.
This [ MICHAEL MANN HOCKEY STICK GRAPH ] became the poster child of the IPCC until discredited by Canadians ROSS MCKITRICK and STEPHEN MCINTYRE.
[ ROSS MCKITRICK is Professor in the Department of Economics at the University of Guelph. ]
[ STEPHEN MCINTYRE holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics from the University of Toronto, and studied Philosophy, Politics, and Economics at the University of Oxford ]
Worthless Computer–Generated Simulated Model Predictions
Despite the warnings and cautions of outstanding scientists Richard Lindzen, Hendrik Tennekes, Freeman Dyson, and others, CLIMATE RESEARCH HAS COME TO RELY ON COMPUTER GENERATED SIMULATED MODELS WHOSE PREDICTIONS PROVE NOTHING AND ARE EVIDENCE OF NOTHING ( Hutton, 2009 ).
Inadequate and Scientifically Unsupportable Claims
Australia’s highly decorated scientist IAN PLIMER recently published a book « Heaven and Science » [ « Heaven and Earth — Global Warming : The Missing Science » ], which clearly outlines the INADEQUATE AND SCIENTIFICALLY UNSUPPORTABLE CLAIMS by the IPCC reports.
This book led to the Australian Senate failing to pass CAP AND TRADE legislation, which may yet lead to a general election and the possible defeat of Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, who since explains he knows the science of climate change is settled because 4,000 SCIENTISTS stood behind the most recent IPCC [ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ] reports.
Only About 60 Scientists, Not 4,000,
Explicitly Support Global Warming
LAWRENCE SOLOMON, Executive Director of Energy Probe, takes exception to this in a recent issue of the Financial Post.
He quotes JOHN McLEAN, an Australian analyst [ in Melbourne, Australia ] who has done detailed work on the numbers, and concludes the important Chapter 9 of said report, « Understanding and Attributing Climate Change », had ONLY 53 AUTHORS, and received comment from 55 INDIVIDUALS AND REVIEWS, leading McLEAN to conclude that ONLY ABOUT 60 PEOPLE, NOT 4,000, « explicitly supported the claim made by IPCC that global warming represents a threat to the planet ».
Global Warming Is Not Man Made
In Japan, the Japan Society of Energy and Resources issued an advisory that said, « global warming is not man made », and in Germany, some of its most influential scientists wrote to Chancellor Angela Merkel stating there is no evidence to support anthropogenic ( human caused ) warming.
Lord Monckton
VÁCLAV KLAUS, President of the Czech Republic quotes LORD MONCKTON ―
« The correct policy to address a non–problem is to have the courage to do nothing. »
[ CHRISTOPHER WALTER MONCKTON, 3rd Viscount Monckton of Brenchley, is a British politician, business consultant, policy adviser, writer, columnist, inventor and hereditary peer. He served as an advisor to Margaret Thatcher's policy unit in the 1980s. More recently, Monckton has attracted controversy for his public opposition on climate change. ]
Václav Klaus
KLAUS [ VÁCLAV KLAUS, President of the Czech Republic ] states ―
« We have only two ways out, salvation through carbon capping, or prosperity through freedom, unhampered human activity, productivity and hard work. I vote for the second option. »
Global Warming Is A False Myth
[ Expanded segment ]
VÁCLAV KLAUS, President of the Czech Republic, is a vocal critic of the notion that any global warming is ANTHROPOGENIC [ i.e. caused or influenced by humans ] ―
« Global warming is a false myth and every serious person and scientist says so. »
He has also criticized the INTERGOVERNMENTAL PANEL ON CLIMATE CHANGE as a GROUP OF POLITICIZED SCIENTISTS with one–sided opinions and one–sided assignments.
He has said that other top–level politicians do not expose their doubts about global warming because ...
« ... a whip of political correctness strangles their voices. »
In addition KLAUS says ―
« Environmentalism should belong in the social sciences ( along with other « isms » such as communism, feminism, and liberalism ). »
KLAUS said that « environmentalism is a religion » and, in an answer to the questions of the U.S. Congressmen, a « modern counterpart of communism » that seeks to change peoples’ habits and economic systems.
In a June 2007 Financial Times article, KLAUS called ambitious environmentalism ...
« the biggest threat to freedom, democracy, the market economy and prosperity. »
He hinted that parts of the present political and scientific debate on the environment are suppressing freedom and democracy, and asked for readers to oppose the term « scientific consensus », saying that ...
« it is always achieved only by a loud minority, never by a silent majority. »
In an online Question & Answer session following the article, KLAUS wrote ―
« Environmentalism, not preservation of nature ( and of environment ), is a leftist ideology. Environmentalism is indeed a vehicle for bringing us socialist government at the global level. Again, my life in communism makes me oversensitive in this respect. »
KLAUS reiterated these statements at a showing of MARTIN DURKIN’s THE GREAT GLOBAL WARMING SWINDLE organised by his think tank CEP in June 2007, becoming the only head of state to endorse the film.
In November 2007, BBC World’s Hardtalk, KLAUS called the interviewer « absolutely arrogant » for claiming that a scientific consensus embracing the bulk of the world had been reached on climate change, and said that he was « absolutely certain » that people would look back in thirty years and thank him.
At a September 2007 United Nations Climate Change Conference, KLAUS spoke of his disbelief in global warming, calling for a second IPCC [ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ] to be set up to produce competing reports, and for countries to be left alone to set their priorities and prepare their own plans for the problem. This appearance is viewed as having been instrumental in the Czech Republic’s failing to secure a place on the United Nations’ Security Council.
In 2007, KLAUS published a book titled Modrá, nikoli zelená planeta ( The title in English, which is not a direct translation, is « Blue Planet in Green Shackles » ).
At the September 2009 United Nations Climate Change Conference, KLAUS again voiced his disapproval, calling the gathering « propagandistic » and « undignified ».
[ Reference for this segment : Wikipedia. ]
Global Warming Is Nonsense
The idea that humans are causing global warming is little more than NONSENSE. The goal of the perpetrators is a transfer of wealth with the apparent forfeiture of power to a proposed ENVIRONMENTAL WORLD GOVERNMENT formed by the UNITED NATIONS.
This would be the abandonment of everything hard working, decent individuals have accomplished over hundreds of years, and satisfies only the cravings of a POWER HUNGRY, UNSCRUPULOUS INTELLIGENTSIA that somehow believe they should RULE THE WORLD.
The cost will be HORRENDOUS.
Unbelievably, the British, led to believe that their nation would soon disappear beneath the sea, passed a Climate Change bill which that same government concedes will cost 18 billion pounds a year. [ 28.9 billion dollars CAD in Canadian currency. ]
Tax on a new car in England is already over 8,000 dollars CAD.
Enviro-Maniac Biologists Infest University of Calgary
Many of our UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY scientists appear to have taken a different position, and believe CO2 is causing catastrophic global warming.
One of their biologists editorialized in The Calgary Herald that we are all stupid for NOT believing in CO2–caused global warming.
Carbon Capture and Storage at University of Calgary
The UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY has a department, « Institute of Sustainable Energy, Environment and Economy » ( ISEEE ) devoted to all things related to Carbon Capture and Storage. This department is under the leadership of Dr. DAVID KEITH.
KEITH states in a recent pamphlet ―
« Carbon emissions from burning fossil fuels are heating the planet. »
and ...
« My ideas are more grandiose, but so is the problem of global warming. »
According to a recent U of C [ University of Calgary ] publication, KEITH has a new invention that will « pull CO2 out of thin air ».
KEITH was made president of a new company to develop the technology, and with a 3 MILLION DOLLARS « angel » investment states ―
« The market for carbon capture technology could reach $1 billion per year within 20 years. »
and ...
« We think we have a good shot at participating in that market. »
Hot Air For Cash, or Carbon Reduction Offset Projects
The Alberta government has many ways to dispose of money, but let me reference just two. One is « Hot Air For Cash », actually called CROP ( Carbon Reduction Offset Projects ). You see, by tilling the land less deeply or less often, it supposedly either reduces CO2 emissions, or absorbs more CO2. This apparently generates credits for the farm land, which can be sold, in the instance of a Strathmore farmer, to a company expelling CO2 from their coal–fired generators, namely EPCOR. ( A form of CAP AND TRADE with a broker taking a profit from both the buyer and the seller. )
[ EPCOR Utilities Inc. is a utility company based in Edmonton, Alberta, which manages numerous municipal water and wastewater treatment facilities throughout Alberta and British Columbia. ]
You must be pleased to know nothing changes at EPCOR, as the supposedly harmful gases continue to pour out of the chimney, but the farmer receives $100,000.
Albertans are now ecstatic because they save Mother Earth by paying the $100,000 in extra monthly fees on their power bill.
Do you realize how many thousands of acres there are in Alberta, and to what extent your power bill might grow ?
No more cattle grazing land, for the [ Alberta ] farmer will now grow corn for bio–fuel on the newly–tilled land, and the cost to fill your gas tank increases, while the cost of imported grain in places like Africa rises dramatically.
The Alberta Carbon Capture and Storage Fund
The Alberta government has many ways to dispose of money, but let me reference a second example.
« The Alberta Carbon Capture and Storage Fund », which has 2 BILLION DOLLARS to give away for disposing of CO2, of which the first 745 MILLION DOLLARS went to Shell Canada.
Why not at least demand the CO2 be injected into an oil producing reservoir to yield both additional oil and associated royalties for all Albertans ?
After the donation of Albertans’ tax dollars, the Alberta government representative is quoted as saying ―
« We have much to be proud of at the Copenhagen Conference in December [ 2009 ]. »
CO2 Has Very Little To Do With Slight Rise in Global Temperatures
We in Canada have a tremendous opportunity not only to save ourselves, but to set an example for the entire world.
It is becoming increasingly obvious that contrary to the statements by IPCC scientists [ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ], there is much agreement among independent world class scientists, of many disciplines, that CO2 HAS VERY LITTLE TO DO WITH THE SLIGHT RISE IN GLOBAL TEMPERATURES.
The stakes are simply too high to allow the politics of Copenhagen [ a failed meeting in December 2009 ] to be an issue, and we ask all Provincial governments and the Federal government, as well as all concerned citizens, to review the information available, and become vocal on this matter.
The [ Global Warming ] Scam is beyond anything Bernie Madoff could have ever wished for
In my estimation, this SCAM is beyond anything [ convicted ] New York financier BERNIE MADOFF could have ever wished for, and the perpetrators will never be punished.
Why not contribute to bringing world class scientists to one of our universities, or maybe for the dissemination of the scientific papers published by HUTTON [ Dr. NEIL HUTTON, Past President of Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists ] and others, so that science can be quoted and debated, chapter and verse, without involving individual personalities.
The Facts About Global Warming ...
It is time we made a new beginning.
Time for facts ―
Temperature Rising ?!?!
The temperature world–wide, as measured by satellite data that does not lie, HAS NOT BEEN RISING for TEN CONSECUTIVE YEARS, and has actually been DROPPING for FOUR.
LORD MONCKTON, an expert recently speaking in Calgary, projects maybe 0.5 DEGREE difference in the next 150 YEARS.
[ Expanded segment ]
CHRISTOPHER WALTER MONCKTON, 3rd Viscount Monckton of Brenchley, is a British politician, business consultant, policy adviser, writer, columnist, inventor and hereditary peer. He served as an advisor to Margaret Thatcher’s policy unit in the 1980s. More recently, MONCKTON has attracted controversy for his public opposition on climate change.
According to LORD MONCKTON ―
« The correct policy to address a non–problem is to have the courage to do nothing. »
Arctic Ice Sheet Has Been Expanding,
Not Shrinking, Over the Last Two Years
Recent satellite surveys of the ARCTIC show THE ICE SHEET EXPANDING, and NOT SHRINKING, over THE LAST TWO YEARS, but there will always be reversals, and yes ― wind, tides, and currents are constantly creating a changing picture.
Sea Level Rising ?!?!
Sea levels around the world are remaining relatively steady despite the millions of tons of ice the scientists say are melting into the oceans.
MILS–AXEL–MORNER, past president of the Commission on Sea Levels, recently stated ―
« Sea level has remained stable for the last thirty years. »
The measured long–term increase is about 2 TO 3 MILLIMETRES PER YEAR.
CO2 A Very Positive Thing
Atmospheric CO2 is a natural trace gas essential for plant and animal life, and at current levels, is probably a very positive thing.
[ Lord ] Monckton states ―
« Climate panels on climate change are totally out of date, and even a doubling of CO2 in the next 150 years is going to be one–sixth of that predicted by the IPCC. »
For those really interested ―
« The CO2 we are trying to dispose of originated in the atmosphere in the first place, and was sequestered naturally through geological time, to the point that the Quaternary Period we now live in has an atmosphere with the lowest CO2 levels in all of Geological History. » ( Hutton, 2009 )
Dr. NEIL HUTTON ( see http://www.cspg.org/ for the text of his ten publications ) further states ―
« The sun has without question been the driver of the Earth’s climate for the last 4 billion years, and only since has there been a coincidental, although poor, correlation with CO2 as climate recovered from the cold of the little Ice Age.
Solar science documents show unequivocally that the most active sun spot cycles occurred in the last half of the 20th Century, exactly the period where warming is attributed to CO2.
However, sun spot cycles are variable and cyclical, and when the sun becomes quiescent, the climate cools.
Three solar minima occurred during the Little Ice Age, 1350–1850, the longest of these, the Maunder Minimum, starting in 1625, and lasting almost a century with very few sun spots.
The Maunder Minimum was followed by a smaller event, the Dalton Minimum, from 1790–1835.
The sun now has had 750 sun spot free days, the longest quiescent state in the last two hundred years, with characteristics virtually identical to the onset of the Dalton Minimum, which was a period of extremely cold winters, freezing major rivers, such as the Thames, Hudson, and the Mississippi 200 miles south of St. Louis. »
( Hutton ― Climate Change X, C.S.P.G. Reservoir, November 2009 )
Recent satellite surveys of the ARCTIC show THE ICE SHEET EXPANDING, and NOT SHRINKING, over THE LAST TWO YEARS, but there will always be reversals, and yes ― wind, tides, and currents are constantly creating a changing picture.
Sea Level Rising ?!?!
Sea levels around the world are remaining relatively steady despite the millions of tons of ice the scientists say are melting into the oceans.
MILS–AXEL–MORNER, past president of the Commission on Sea Levels, recently stated ―
« Sea level has remained stable for the last thirty years. »
The measured long–term increase is about 2 TO 3 MILLIMETRES PER YEAR.
CO2 A Very Positive Thing
Atmospheric CO2 is a natural trace gas essential for plant and animal life, and at current levels, is probably a very positive thing.
[ Lord ] Monckton states ―
« Climate panels on climate change are totally out of date, and even a doubling of CO2 in the next 150 years is going to be one–sixth of that predicted by the IPCC. »
For those really interested ―
« The CO2 we are trying to dispose of originated in the atmosphere in the first place, and was sequestered naturally through geological time, to the point that the Quaternary Period we now live in has an atmosphere with the lowest CO2 levels in all of Geological History. » ( Hutton, 2009 )
Dr. NEIL HUTTON ( see http://www.cspg.org/ for the text of his ten publications ) further states ―
« The sun has without question been the driver of the Earth’s climate for the last 4 billion years, and only since has there been a coincidental, although poor, correlation with CO2 as climate recovered from the cold of the little Ice Age.
Solar science documents show unequivocally that the most active sun spot cycles occurred in the last half of the 20th Century, exactly the period where warming is attributed to CO2.
However, sun spot cycles are variable and cyclical, and when the sun becomes quiescent, the climate cools.
Three solar minima occurred during the Little Ice Age, 1350–1850, the longest of these, the Maunder Minimum, starting in 1625, and lasting almost a century with very few sun spots.
The Maunder Minimum was followed by a smaller event, the Dalton Minimum, from 1790–1835.
The sun now has had 750 sun spot free days, the longest quiescent state in the last two hundred years, with characteristics virtually identical to the onset of the Dalton Minimum, which was a period of extremely cold winters, freezing major rivers, such as the Thames, Hudson, and the Mississippi 200 miles south of St. Louis. »
( Hutton ― Climate Change X, C.S.P.G. Reservoir, November 2009 )
It is mind–boggling that millions of people around the world should get so concerned about a temperature increase of one degree over the past one hundred years, that they are prepared to live in poverty, if necessary, to correct it.
Why are responsible people not speaking out ?
Millions could die of economic starvation rather than global warming.
It makes no sense that just because the Alberta Government has chosen to believe the IPCC [ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ], whose vision of global warming has been SIGNIFICANTLY DISCREDITED, that all Canadians must follow like LEMMINGS over a cliff.
This clearly has nothing to do with science, but POLITICS, POLITICS, POLITICS, and MONEY, MONEY, MONEY.
We inherited a beautiful world that got along without us for billions of years, and the sun has been there for all that time, CREATING BOTH HOT AND COLD PERIODS.
It is time those promoting global warming as being driven by CO2 are DISCREDITED, for the science is UNPROVED, and seemingly, it is they that advocate the destruction of the world as we know it.
Enviro–Maniacs continue to
scam the public with
fraudulent lies, fear–mongering,
misconceptions, coercion,
threats, deceptions, terror,
and paranoid conspiracies.
They concoct fraudulent
and non–existent
alarmist issues such as
the supposed danger of
global warming, as well as
the alleged threat of
pest control products !
These Enviro–Basterds
cannot be trusted !
William H. Gathercole and Norah G
National Organization Responding Against Huje that TERRORIZE, HARM, and THREATEN the Green Space Industry (NORAHG)
William H. Gathercole, Founder
For a free Force Of Nature e–newsletter, contact force.of.de.nature@gmail.com
Force Of Nature presents THE WHOLE TRUTH FROM AN INDEPENDENT PERSPECTIVE from National Organization Responding Against Huje that seek to harm the Green Space Industry (NORAHG). It is a series of Reports destined for the Green Space Industry, the Environmental Terror Movement, Governments, and the Media, nationwide across Canada, the United States, and overseas. The information presented in Force Of Nature has been developed for the education and entertainment of the reader by providing a sequence of historical events WITH COMMENTARY. The neutrality of these Reports might be disputed.
Huje is a term used to describe Enviro Maniac Activists that routinely concoct FEAR MONGERING, FRAUDULENT LIES, MISCONCEPTIONS, COERCION, THREATS, DECEPTIONS, TERROR, and PARANOID CONSPIRACIES that are DESIGNED to SCAM and DECEIVE the public into believing that families are in some NON–EXISTENT danger with conventional pest control products. Huje also SCAM and DECEIVE Government Officials into the NEEDLESS, SENSELESS, and MALICIOUS prohibition of FEDERALLY LEGAL, SCIENTIFICALLY SAFE, TOTALLY IRREPLACEABLE, and ABSOLUTELY INDISPENSABLE conventional pest control products.
All information, excerpts, and pictures contained in this Report were found somewhere on the Internet, and may be considered in the public domain, serving one of the following purposes ― archive, education, promotion, publicity, or press release. The events, characters, companies, and organizations, depicted in this Report are not always fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, may not be coincidental. Force Of Nature is TOTALLY INDEPENDENT of any trade association or business operating within the Green Space Industry. Don’t thank us. It’s a public service. And we are glad to do it.
Force Of Nature, and its various incarnations, is the brainchild of William H. Gathercole and his entourage. Mr. Gathercole is a principal FOUNDER of the Modern Professional Lawn Care Industry in BOTH Ontario and Quebec. He holds a degree in Horticulture from the UNIVERSITY OF GUELPH, and another pure and applied science degree from McGILL UNIVERSITY. He has worked in virtually all aspects of the Green Space Industry, including GOLF, PROFESSIONAL LAWN CARE, and CHEMICAL INDUSTRY, and has served in public affairs, workplace safety, and environmental compliance. Mr. Gathercole has supervised, consulted, programmed, and/or overseen the successful and safe execution of HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of pest control applications in the urban landscape. He has trained, instructed, and consulted with THOUSANDS of turf managers and technicians. Mr. Gathercole has also been an agricultural agronomist. For many years, Mr. Gathercole was a contributing columnist for TURF & Recreation Magazine, Canada’s Turf and Grounds Maintenance Authority. Mr. Gathercole is now retired from Force Of Nature, although his name continues to appear as the FOUNDER. Mr. Gathercole is personally credited for crafting the Golf Industry Exception Status, that endures to this day. He is also the creator of the signs that are now used for posting after application. His vast knowledge of our long journey with Environmental Issues is UNDENIABLE ― hopefully ! For FIFTEEN YEARS, the strategies designed and implemented by Mr. Gathercole and his colleagues guaranteed the control of Environmental Terror for the entire Modern Green Space Industry across Canada. Mr. Gathercole’s involvement in Environmental Issues reached a fevered pitch in the 1990s, when he orchestrated, with his colleagues, legal action against the Forces of Environmental Evil in the Town of Hudson, Quebec. Mr. Gathercole is the ONLY TRUE RELIABLE WITNESS of the Hudson Affair.
Mr. Gathercole and his entourage have followed the evolution of ENVIRONMENTAL TERRORISM for over a quarter century. Through Force Of Nature, Enviro Maniac Activist Huje are identified on the basis of their statements, activities, affiliations, and whereabouts. Even though each Enviro Maniac Culprit is a misguided adversary, each still deserves our respect. The use of the terms Maniac, Culprit, Terrorist, or Basterd are not accusations of any legal wrong doing. Force Of Nature is simply holding Enviro Maniac Activists accountable for conspiring to change public policies that TERRORIZE, HARM, and THREATEN the Green Space Industry. Their pretentious prohibitionist rants have created LOSS OF REVENUES, BUSINESS FAILURES, BANKRUPTCY, and UNEMPLOYMENT, inflicting DESPAIR and DESTITUTION for THOUSANDS of hapless victims throughout the Green Space Industry. The DEPRAVED INDIFFERENCE of Maniac Culprit Terrorist Basterd Huje is viewed as a form of TERROR, HARM, and THREAT against the Green Space Industry.
The following Force Of Nature Reports are currently available ― ● A Look At ● Alberta Conspiracy ● British Columbia Conspiracy ● Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment ● Canadian Cancer Society ● Canadian Environmental Law Association ● Carnage ● Consequences ● Culprit ● David Suzuki Foundation ● Dating Services for Enviro Maniacs ● DDT and Politicized Science ● Death and the Environmental Terror Movement ● Enviro Profit ● Environmental Terrorists Unmasked ● Famous Quotations ● Fertilizer Terror ● Hero ● June Irwin, the Clown of Junk Science ● Kazimiera Jean Cottam ● Landscape Trades Capitulate ● Lying Sac of Enviro–Maniac Cwap ● Myth–Busting ● Needless Hysteria ● New Brunswick Conspiracy ● Newfoundland Conspiracy ● Nova Scotia Conspiracy ● Ontario Conspiracy ● Organic Fertilizers ● Paranoid Theories ● Pesticide Free BC ● Pets and Lawn Care Chemicals ● Positive Waves ● Prince Edward Island Conspiracy ● Quebec Conspiracy ● Rachel Carson, the Queen of Junk Science ● Reining a Terrorist Reaction ● Salmon Arm BC Conspiracy ● Satire ● Terror NEVER Ends ● Terror Talk ● The 9/11 Era of the Green Space Industry ● The Bin Laden of Enviro Terror, Paul Tukey ● The Failure of Integrated Pest Management ● The Looming Golf Industry Shipwreck ● The Industry Strikes Back ● The Misconceptions About Cancer ● The National Annihilation of the Modern Green Space Industry ● The Wisdom of Bill Bell ● The Wisdom of Drysdale ● The Wisdom of Health Canada ● The Wisdom of Holland ● The Wisdom of Lowes ● The Wisdom of Mains ● The Wisdom of the Solomons ● Update ● Warning ●
Technical Information for
the Green Space Industry.
Please go to the following links ...
A LOOK AT -- Technical Information for the Green Space Industry -- The Failure of Integrated Pest Management ( IPM ) -- Considerations -- PDF Document
A LOOK AT -- Technical Information for the Green Space Industry -- Turfgrass Diseases -- Practices Used to Minimize the Use of Turf Fungicides
A LOOK AT -- Technical Information for the Green Space Industry -- Turfgrass Disease Suppression -- Practices Used to Minimize the Use of Turf Fungicides -- Introduction, Policy, and Management -- PDF Document
A LOOK AT -- Technical Information for the Green Space Industry -- Turfgrass Disease -- Anthracnose Leaf Blight Disease -- Description & Identification -- PDF Document
A LOOK AT -- Technical Information for the Green Space Industry -- Snow Molds -- Classification of Kentucky Bluegrass Varieties -- Resistance -- PDF Document
For more information regarding
and other Enviro-Maniac Myths,
go to the following links ...
MYTH-BUSTING –– Bee Colony Collapse Disorder -- Summary of Theoretical Causes
MYTH-BUSTING –– Bee Colony Collapse Disorder -- Summary of Theoretical Causes -- PDF Document
MYTH-BUSTING -- Bee Colony Collapse Disorder -- Allegedly Caused by Imidacloprid -- PDF Document
MYTH-BUSTING -- DDT & Birds -- The Effect of DDT on Birds Was Exaggerated
For more of a look at
and other related topics,
please go to the following links ...
BOGUS GREEN ALTERNATIVE -- Corn Gluten Meal -- A Look At -- A so-called Green Alternative to Conventional Pest Control Products -- PDF Document
BOGUS GREEN ALTERNATIVE -- Corn Gluten Meal Herbicide –– A Look At -- Summary
BOGUS GREEN ALTERNATIVE -- Fiesta Herbicide -- 2010 06 07 -- PDF Document
BOGUS GREEN ALTERNATIVE -- Fiesta Herbicide -- A Look At -- Consultation -- 2010 02 23
BOGUS GREEN ALTERNATIVE -- Fiesta Herbicide -- A Look At -- Summary
BOGUS GREEN ALTERNATIVE -- Fiesta Herbicide -- A so-called Green Alternative to Conventional Pest Control Products -- A Look At -- PDF Document
BOGUS GREEN ALTERNATIVE -- Fiesta Herbicide -- Images of a Dandelion and Root 48 hours After an Application of Fiesta
BOGUS GREEN ALTERNATIVE -- Fiesta Herbicide -- Warning -- Market Longevity At Stake
BOGUS GREEN ALTERNATIVE -- Sclerotinia Minor ( Sarritor ) -- A Look At -- A so-called Green Alternative to Conventional Pest Control Products -- PDF Document
BOGUS GREEN ALTERNATIVE -- Soil Detox -- Kickapoo Joy Juice -- PDF Document
BOGUS GREEN ALTERNATIVE -- White Grub Insects -- BOGUS Methods of Control -- 2010 04 15 -- PDF Document
For more about the Repugnant
please go to the following links ...
REPUGNANT Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment ( CAPE ) -- Background Information from an Independent Perspective
REPUGNANT Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment ( CAPE ) -- Response to Enviro-Maniac Forman & CAPE -- 2010 05 15
REPUGNANT Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment ( CAPE ) -- Lying Sack of ( Enviro-Maniac ) Cwap -- 2010 05 15 -- Response to Gideon Forman -- PDF Document
REPUGNANT Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment ( CAPE ) -- 2009 09 18 -- New Brunswick -- PDF Document
REPUGNANT Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment ( CAPE ) -- 2009 10 06 -- Physicians Playing Golf -- PDF Document
REPUGNANT Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment ( CAPE ) -- 2009 10 30 -- Calgary -- Sierra -- PDF Document
REPUGNANT Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment ( CAPE ) -- 2009 11 01 -- Calgary -- PDF Document
For more information regarding
and the Malicious Antics of Cancer-Maniac Hags & Vixens,
and Other Related Topics, go to the following links ...
CONTEMPTIBLE & RADICAL CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY -- British Columbia Conspiracy -- 2009 12 28
CONTEMPTIBLE & RADICAL CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY -- Lying Sack of ( Enviro-Maniac ) Cwap -- Precautionary Principle -- PDF Document
CONTEMPTIBLE & RADICAL CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY -- Enviro-Terror NEVER Ends -- Kaminski -- 2010 06 04 -- PDF Document
CONTEMPTIBLE & RADICAL CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY -- Response to Enviro-Maniac Vixen Duyker -- 2010 04 15
CONTEMPTIBLE & RADICAL CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY -- Response to Enviro-Maniac Vixen Falconer -- 2010 04 16
For more about CULPRITS
who have conspired to prohibit federally legal
scientifically safe, totally irreplaceable, and
absolutely indispensable pest control products,
please go to the following links ...
CULPRITS -- The Culprits of the 9/11 Era of the Green Space Industry -- Ontario Conspiracy to Prohibit Pest Control Products -- Complete Document
CULPRITS -- The Culprits of the 9/11 Era of the Green Space Industry -- Ontario Conspiracy to Prohibit Pest Control Products -- 1 -- Armstrong, Arya, Bell, City of Toronto, Cooper, Cullen, Forman -- PDF Document
CULPRITS -- The Culprits of the 9/11 Era of the Green Space Industry -- Ontario Conspiracy to Prohibit Pest Control Products -- 2 -- Fucile, Glor-Bell, Goodhand, Grinspun, Gue, Kasperski, Khatter -- PDF Document
CULPRITS -- The Culprits of the 9/11 Era of the Green Space Industry -- Ontario Conspiracy to Prohibit Pest Control Products -- 3 -- Koswan, McClenaghan, MacKenzie, McGuinty. Mitchell, OCFP -- PDF Document
CULPRITS -- The Culprits of the 9/11 Era of the Green Space Industry -- Ontario Conspiracy to Prohibit Pest Control Products -- 4 -- Page, Reisman, Rickman, Sears, Shapero, Smith, Suzuki -- PDF Document
CULPRIT -- Cottam -- Response to Enviro-Maniac Cottam & Ghost-Writers -- 2010 05 29
CULPRIT -- Cottam -- The Wicked Witch of Junk Science & Her Enviro-Maniac Ghost-Writers
CULPRIT -- Duyker -- Contemptible & Radical Canadian Cancer Society -- Response to Enviro-Maniac Vixen -- 2010 04 15
CULPRIT -- Falconer -- Contemptible & Radical Canadian Cancer Society -- Response to Enviro-Maniac Vixen -- 2010 04 16
CULPRIT -- Tukey -- Reining a Terrorist Reaction -- India & Tukey
CULPRIT -- Tukey -- Reining a Terrorist Reaction -- India & Tukey -- PDF Document
CULPRIT -- Tukey -- Short Audio Clip -- « I Sprayed Unabatedly Without a Pesticide License »
CULPRIT -- Tukey -- The Bin Laden of Environmental-Terror -- 2010 05 03 -- Activities for Investigation -- PDF Document
The History of Environmental-Terror in Canada -- 2010 06 15
For more information concerning the
by Wack-Job Environmental-Terrorists,
please go to the following links ...
ENVIRO-CARNAGE CAUSED BY PROHIBITION -- Keeping Ontario Ugly, The Natural Way -- PDF Document
ENVIRO-CARNAGE CAUSED BY PROHIBITION -- Lawrence, Kansas, Conspiracy -- 2010 03 24
ENVIRO-CARNAGE CAUSED BY PROHIBITION -- Lawrence, Kansas, Conspiracy -- 2010 03 24 -- PDF Document
ENVIRO-CARNAGE CAUSED BY PROHIBITION -- Lincoln City, Oregon, Conspiracy -- 2010 03 14 -- PDF Document
THE FAILURE OF PESTICIDE-FREE PARKS -- New Trend ? -- Pesticide Free Parks Now Using Pesticides -- Lawrence, Kansas, Conspiracy -- 210 03 23
For more information about
please go to the following links ...
ENVIRO-TERROR-ORGANIZATIONS -- Enviro-Terror NEVER Ends -- Common Terrorist Basterds -- 2010 04 10 -- PDF Document
ENVIRO-TERROR-ORGANIZATION -- Canadian Environmental Law Association ( CELA ) -- The Industry Strikes Back -- Ontario Conspiracy -- The Industry Has Little Choice -- 2009 08 26 -- PDF Document
ENVIRO-TERROR-ORGANIZATION -- Contemptible & Radical Canadian Cancer Society -- Background Information from an Independent Perspective -- 2009 12 28
ENVIRO-TERROR-ORGANIZATION -- Contemptible & Radical Canadian Cancer Society -- Lying Sack of ( Enviro-Maniac ) Cwap -- Precautionary Principle -- PDF Document
ENVIRO-TERROR-ORGANIZATION -- Contemptible & Radical Canadian Cancer Society -- Response to Enviro-Maniac Vixen Duyker -- 2010 04 15
ENVIRO-TERROR-ORGANIZATION -- Contemptible & Radical Canadian Cancer Society -- Response to Enviro-Maniac Vixen Falconer -- 2010 04 16
ENVIRO-TERROR-ORGANIZATION -- Ontario College of Family Physicians ( OCFP )-- Response by Health Canada -- Information Note -- Questions & Answers -- 2004
ENVIRO-TERROR-ORGANIZATION -- Repugnant & Contemptible Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment ( CAPE ) -- Background Information from an Independent Perspective
ENVIRO-TERROR-ORGANIZATION -- Repugnant & Contemptible Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment ( CAPE ) -- Response to Enviro-Maniac Forman & CAPE -- 2010 05 15
ENVIRO-TERROR-ORGANIZATIONS -- U.S. Enviro-Maniac-Terror -- Lying Sack of (Enviro-Maniac) Cwap -- Scotts Miracle-Gro -- 2010 03 15 -- PDF Document
ENVIRO-TERROR-ORGANIZATION -- Wretched Ecojustice Canada --Background Information from an Independent Perspective
For more information regarding
please go to the following links ...
ENVIRO-TERROR NEVER ENDS -- Common Terrorist Basterds -- 2010 04 10 -- PDF Document
ENVIRO-TERROR NEVER ENDS -- Contemptible & Radical Canadian Cancer Society -- Kaminski -- 2010 06 04 -- PDF Document
ENVIRO-TERROR NEVER ENDS -- Enviro-Maniac New Democratic Party -- 2010 04 22 -- Prohibition & Playgrounds -- PDF Document
ENVIRO-TERROR NEVER ENDS -- Ontario Conspiracy -- Destructive Fees & Taxes on Fertilizers -- 2010
ENVIRO-TERROR NEVER ENDS -- PMRA Uncoupling of Fertilizer-Pesticide Combination Products for Lawn and Turf Uses -- 2010 02 02
ENVIRO-TERROR NEVER ENDS -- PMRA Uncoupling of Fertilizer-Pesticide Combination Products for Lawn and Turf Uses -- 2010 02 02 -- PDF Document
ENVIRO-TERROR NEVER ENDS -- Wisconsin Conspiracy -- Destructive U.S. State Prohibition on Fertilizers -- 2010 04 01
ENVIRO-TERROR NEVER ENDS -- Wisconsin Conspiracy -- Destructive U.S. State Prohibition on Fertilizers -- 2010 04 01 -- PDF Document
ENVIRO-TERROR NEVER ENDS -- Wretched Ecojustice Canada -- National Conspiracy -- 2010 05 00 -- PDF Document
ENVIRO-TERROR NEVER ENDS -- The History of Environmental-Terror in Canada -- 2010 06 15
ENVIRO-TERROR NEVER ENDS -- The History of Environmental-Terror in Canada -- 2010 06 15 -- PDF Document
For more information about
please go to the following links ...
GLOBAL WARMING -- The Wisdom of Bill Bell -- The Scam of Our Lifetime
GLOBAL WARMING -- Arctic Ice -- DDT & Malaria
For more about
go to the following links ...
HEALTH CANADA -- Pesticide Questions & Answers
HEALTH CANADA -- Glyphosate ( Roundup ) -- Re-Evaluation Plan -- PMRA & EPA -- Update -- 2009-2010
HEALTH CANADA -- Response to Enviro-Terror-Organization Ontario College of Family Physicians Report ( OCFP ) -- Information Note -- Questions & Answers -- 2004
HEALTH CANADA -- Response to Enviro-Maniac Allan Taylor -- Pesticide Safety -- Questions & Answers -- 2005
HEALTH CANADA -- Response to Enviro-Maniac Cottam -- Questions & Answers -- 2,4-D Re-Evaluation -- 2004-2005
HEALTH CANADA -- Enviro-Terror NEVER Ends -- PMRA Uncoupling of Fertilizer-Pesticide Combination Products for Lawn and Turf Uses -- 2010 02 02
HEALTH CANADA -- Enviro-Terror NEVER Ends -- PMRA Uncoupling of Fertilizer-Pesticide Combination Products for Lawn and Turf Uses -- 2010 02 02 -- PDF Document
For more information relevant to the
please go to the following links ...
HEROES OF THE GREEN SPACE INDUSTRY -- Salmon Arm, British Columbia -- 2008-2010
HERO OF THE GREEN SPACE INDUSTRY -- Lorne Hepworth -- Response to Columnist Paul Hanley -- Saskatoon -- 2010 03 19
For a good time with the
about Enviro-Maniac-Activists,
please go to the following link ...
LAUGHS & INSANITY -- A Collection of Quotations About Enviro-Maniacs
Enviro-Maniac-Activists are
Please go to the following links ...
LYING SACK OF ( Enviro-Maniac ) CWAP -- Gideon Forman -- CAPE -- 2010 05 15
LYING SACK OF ( Enviro-Maniac ) CWAP -- American Enviro-Maniac-Terror Against Scotts Miracle-Gro -- 2010 03 15 -- PDF Document
LYING SACK OF ( Enviro-Maniac ) CWAP -- Contemptible & Radical Canadian Cancer Society -- Precautionary Principle -- PDF Document
For more information concerning the
please go to the following links ...
ONTARIO HAVEN FOR ENVIRO-TERROR -- Enviro-CARNAGE Caused by Prohibition -- Keeping Ontario Ugly, The Natural Way -- PDF Document
ONTARIO HAVEN FOR ENVIRO-TERROR -- The Industry Strikes Back -- Ontario Conspiracy -- 2010 02 17
ONTARIO HAVEN FOR ENVIRO-TERROR -- Health Canada -- Ontario College of Family Physicians Report ( OCFP ) -- Information Note -- Questions & Answers -- 2004
ONTARIO HAVEN FOR ENVIRO-TERROR -- Enviro-Terror NEVER Ends -- Ontario Conspiracy -- Destructive Fees & Taxes on Fertilizers
For a better understanding of
used by Environmental-Maniacs,
please go to the following link ...
TERROR TALK -- Weasel-Words & Phrases -- PDF Document
For more information regarding
Outstanding and Innovative Ideas
for the Green Space Industry,
please go to the following links ...
POSITIVE WAVES -- Debug the Myths -- PDF Document
POSITIVE WAVES -- FiestaJet Gun -- PDF Document
POSITIVE WAVES -- Legislative Day & Remembrance Event -- PDF Document
POSITIVE WAVES -- New York Alliance for Environmental Concerns -- PDF Document
POSITIVE WAVES -- New York State Turfgrass Association -- PDF Document
POSITIVE WAVES -- Outstanding & Innovative Ideas for the Green Space Industry -- Summary
For more information describing
please go to the following links ...
THE BIN LADEN OF ENVIRO-TERROR -- Tukey -- Reining a Terrorist Reaction -- India & Tukey
THE BIN LADEN OF ENVIRO-TERROR -- Tukey -- Reining a Terrorist Reaction -- India & Tukey -- PDF Document
THE BIN LADEN OF ENVIRO-TERROR -- Tukey -- Short Audio Clip -- « I Sprayed Unabatedly Without a Pesticide License »
THE BIN LADEN OF ENVIRO-TERROR -- Tukey -- Talks to Portland Maine News WCSH6
THE BIN LADEN OF ENVIRO-TERROR -- Tukey -- The Bin Laden of Environmental-Terror -- 2010 04 13 -- PDF Document
THE BIN LADEN OF ENVIRO-TERROR -- Tukey -- The Bin Laden of Environmental-Terror -- 2010 05 03 -- Activities for Investigation -- PDF Document
THE BIN LADEN OF ENVIRO-TERROR -- Tukey -- The Face Only a Mother Could Love -- Ku Klux Klan Film
THE BIN LADEN OF ENVIRO-TERROR -- Tukey -- The Face Only a Mother Could Love -- Ku Klux Klan Film -- PDF Document
THE BIN LADEN OF ENVIRO-TERROR -- Tukey -- The Wisdom of Art C. Drysdale -- 2010 03 14 -- « I believe Paul Tukey ought to have been banned from entry to Canada »
THE BIN LADEN OF ENVIRO-TERROR -- Tukey -- American Enviro-Maniac-Terror Against Scotts Miracle-Gro -- 2010 03 15 -- PDF Document
For more information about
please go to the following links ...
THE FAILURE OF PESTICIDE-FREE PARKS -- New Trend ? -- Pesticide Free Parks Now Using Pesticides -- Lawrence, Kansas, Conspiracy -- 210 03 23
THE FAILURE OF PESTICIDE-FREE PARKS -- Enviro-CARNAGE Caused by Prohibition -- Lawrence, Kansas, Conspiracy -- 2010 03 24
THE FAILURE OF PESTICIDE-FREE PARKS -- Enviro-CARNAGE Caused by Prohibition -- Lawrence, Kansas, Conspiracy -- 2010 03 24 -- PDF Document
THE FAILURE OF PESTICIDE-FREE PARKS -- Enviro-CARNAGE Caused by Prohibition -- Lincoln City, Oregon, Conspiracy -- 2010 03 14 -- PDF Document
THE FAILURE OF PESTICIDE-FREE PARKS -- Pesticide Not Approved in Canada For Use on Park Ticks – Nova Scotia -- 2010 06 17
THE FAILURE OF PESTICIDE-FREE PARKS -- The Failure of Integrated Pest Management ( IPM ) -- Considerations -- PDF Document
For more information about
please go to the following links ...
THE INDUSTRY STRIKES BACK -- Ontario Conspiracy -- What Can YOU Do To Fight Enviro-Terror -- 2010 06 25 -- PDF Document
THE INDUSTRY STRIKES BACK -- Ontario Conspiracy -- Statements for the Crown -- 2010 06 23 -- PDF Document
THE INDUSTRY STRIKES BACK -- Ontario Conspiracy -- Sufficient Evidence to Proceed -- 2010 06 21
THE INDUSTRY STRIKES BACK -- Ontario Conspiracy -- Sufficient Evidence to Proceed -- 2010 06 21 -- PDF Document
THE INDUSTRY STRIKES BACK -- Ontario Conspiracy -- We’re Not Gonna Take It ANYMORE -- 2010 02 17
THE INDUSTRY STRIKES BACK -- Ontario Conspiracy -- We’re Not Gonna Take It ANYMORE -- 2010 02 17 -- PDF Document
THE INDUSTRY STRIKES BACK -- Ontario Conspiracy -- Time to Rat Out Your Buddies -- 2010 02 15 -- PDF Document
THE INDUSTRY STRIKES BACK -- Ontario Conspiracy -- Charges of Fraud & Corruption -- 2010 01 27 -- PDF Document
THE INDUSTRY STRIKES BACK -- Ontario Conspiracy -- Additional Charges Against the Government -- 2010 01 19 -- PDF Document
THE INDUSTRY STRIKES BACK -- Ontario Conspiracy -- Federal Charges Filed -- 2010 01 13 -- PDF Document
THE INDUSTRY STRIKES BACK -- Ontario Conspiracy -- We Intend To Lay Charges of Fraud-- 2009 09 14 -- PDF Document
THE INDUSTRY STRIKES BACK -- Ontario Conspiracy -- The Industry Has Little Choice -- Canadian Environmental Law Association ( CELA ) -- 2009 08 26 -- PDF Document
THE INDUSTRY STRIKES BACK -- Ontario Conspiracy -- Waiting For the Hammer to Drop -- 2009 06 21 -- PDF Document
THE INDUSTRY STRIKES BACK -- The Heroes of the Green Space Industry -- Salmon Arm, British Columbia -- 2008-2010
THE INDUSTRY STRIKES BACK -- The History of Environmental-Terror in Canada -- 2010 06 15
For more information about
go to the following links ...
THE WICKED WITCH OF JUNK SCIENCE -- Cottam -- The Wicked Witch of Junk Science & Her Enviro-Maniac Ghost-Writers
THE WICKED WITCH OF JUNK SCIENCE -- Cottam -- Response to Enviro-Maniac Cottam & Ghost-Writers -- 2010 04 14
THE WICKED WITCH OF JUNK SCIENCE -- Cottam -- Response to Enviro-Maniac Cottam & Ghost-Writers -- 2010 05 29
THE WICKED WITCH OF JUNK SCIENCE -- Cottam -- Health Canada -- Response to Enviro-Maniac Cottam & Ghost-Writers -- 2,4-D Re-Evaluation -- 2004-2005
For more information about
please go to the following links ...
THE WISDOM OF A REAL EXPERTS -- The Wisdom of Art C. Drysdale -- 2010 03 14 -- « I believe Paul Tukey ought to have been banned from entry to Canada »
THE WISDOM OF A REAL EXPERTS -- The Wisdom of Bill Bell -- The Scam of Our Lifetime -- Global Warming
For more information concerning
please go to the following links ...
HEALTH CANADA -- Glyphosate ( Roundup ) -- Re-Evaluation Plan -- PMRA & EPA -- Update -- 2009-2010
The Lawn Is Safe -- National Post -- 2008
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